로그인 회원가입

그럭저럭 … 해내다 영어로


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  • contrive
  • 그럭저럭    그럭저럭 somehow (or other); (in) one way or
  •     snowboard; spice; dodgeball; geneva convention;
  • 해내다    해내다1 [이겨 내다] beat; defeat;
  • 그럭저럭    그럭저럭 somehow (or other); (in) one way or another; by some means (or other); by hook or by crook; barely. ~ 살아간다 I manage to get along, one way or another. 하는 것 없이 ~ 하루가 지나갔다 The day has been wasted
  • 그럭저럭 … 하다    get
  • 그럭저럭 빠져 나가다    wangle
  • 그럭저럭 빠져 벗어나다    wangle
  • 그럭저럭 진척되다    jog
  • 그럭저럭 해나가다    jog; rub along
  • 이럭저럭    이럭저럭 somehow or other; one way or another; somehow; [어느덧] before one knows; unnoticed; in no time. ~ 해 나가다 get along somehow. ~ 살아가다 eke out a living / manage to keep the pot boiling. ~ 생계를 꾸려 나가다 s
  • 이럭저럭 넘기다    cheat
  • 해내다    해내다1 [이겨 내다] beat; defeat; vanquish; get[gain] the better of . 레슬링에서 세 사람을 ~ overmatch three persons in wrestling. 그는 주인을 말로 해냈다 He argued his master down.2 [치러 내다] carry through[out]; succeed ; com
  • 이럭저럭 정리하다    make out
  • 구해내다    redeem; save; salvage; disentangle; disengage; rescue
  • 끝까지 해내다    come through
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